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The “Open for Inspection” Ritual of Selling our Home 


As it is with everyone, deciding to sell our family home was big decision.


The weekly ritual of preparing our home for every Saturday’s “Open for inspection” quickly became the focal point of our week. Preparation for us was painful and time consuming – and everything had to be perfect.


Because first impressions count!


Let’s face it, historically agents open houses once a week for 30 to 45 minutes. That equates to only 2 to 3 hours in a month to “sell” your home. That’s an incredibly small corridor of time given what’s at stake – your family home, your memories, your lifestyle.


And it’s very emotional.


Obviously we wanted the property to sell as quickly as possible, and we

wanted potential buyers to find our property easily. But competition can be fierce. It’s vital to get the attention of every passer-by. To do that, agents use flags. Why? Because they work! It’s may just be the person driving past who notices a flag in the distance, who ends up buying the house; or the already-interested buyer who has your property on their “list” and is looking for that flag up ahead. To make their task of house-hunting as simple as possible, the flag is essential.


So every Saturday morning my agent came to hang out the “Open for Inspection” flag. And while a gentle breeze brushes the flag around and helps with the task of attention grabbing, a strong wind can completely destroy it. You can imagine my frustration at seeing the flag that the agent had hung only 5 minutes earlier now wrapped around itself –


all that advertising expense blown away by a gust of wind!


And more often than not, the flag was usually stuck to an old wooden broomstick with a cocktail of untidy screws, staples & tape. Worse than just looking messy, it’s look was so totally unprofessional & did nothing to show off my agents profile or help any prospective purchaser find my home & was utterly useless in a strong wind –


sometimes the flag blew off completely!


So with all the hard work we were doing to make our house look perfect on the inside, having to go outside and continually untangle the flag, straighten it or put it back on the board


was just plain annoying and felt like a waste of my time.

And so began my journey to come up with a solution to that problem. The rest is history. I invented and developed a revolutionary new flag pole with moving parts that adjust automatically to every gust of wind. The Flag Untangler.


Yes – the flag untangles itself, and it’s virtually impossible for it to become detached from flag pole.

The Flag Untangler unwinds everytime.

Yours truly,

Rob Muir

Metung, Australia

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